13 Rue Camille Desmoulins
13 Rue Camille Desmoulins, Issy Les Moulineaux, 92130, FRA
The Paris Issy Les Moulineaux Centre occupies eight floors of a modern building in 'Medialand', as the southern Paris suburb of Issy-les-Moulineaux is known. Many television and radio stations are based here, and 60 per cent of local businesses are in the ICT sector.
Sustainable new office development has attracted national and international media groups and subsidiaries of global manufacturing, finance and property companies. Innovation is key, and the town is often the first to test new technologies like powerline communication, mobile TV and a local web TV channel. It is part of French government competitiveness clusters around information systems, multimedia and transport. The centre has secure parking and good metro, rail, tram and bus links into Paris and the suburban area. The Vélib scheme provides bicycles for local use.
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Bürooliikmesused pakuvad juurdepääsu asukohtadele igas suuremas linnas. Madalate hindade ja paindlike tingimustega.
Network among other ambitious companies in our collaborative coworking spaces in Issy-les-Moulineaux. Make lasting connections in this lively business district, home to some of the world’s largest multinational corporations.