Orrington Plaza
1603 Orrington Avenue, Evanston, IL, 60201, USA
You‘ll enjoy a towering presence when you locate your business in the 20-storey Orrington Plaza, the tallest building between Chicago and Milwaukee.
The recently refurbished tower has floor-to-ceiling windows offering lots of natural light and inspiring views of the Chicago skyline and Lake Michigan. There’s a business lounge and on-site parking and, when you want to escape the office, a fitness gym next door, many shops and restaurants within walking distance, and excellent road, rail and air links.
Balíčky v programu Kancelář pro pravidelný přístup.
Členství v programu Kancelář umožňuje přístup do kanceláří v každém důležitém městě. Za nízké ceny a s flexibilními termíny.
A ‘Heavenston’ Virtual Office will give you an instant presence on the shores of Lake Michigan, and you won’t be tied to a single workplace when you want to be out on the road in search of new business.