Huntcrest I
1755 North Brown Road, Lawrenceville, GA, 30043, USA
Choose a prime location for your business in Lawrenceville and do business in good company. Huntcrest I is located in landscaped grounds, surrounded by a broad range of high-tech industries.
The large impressive building welcomes you and your guests, with classic mahogany finishes creating a sophisticated workspace. When the time come to finish for the day, there’s a large mall just down the street offering plenty of shops and a cinema.
حزم المكاتب من أجل الوصول بانتظام.
توفر عضويات المكاتب وصولاً إلى مواقع في كل بلدة ومدينة كبيرة. بأسعار منخفضة ومُدد زمنية مرنة.
Historic Lawrenceville is an inspiring place to build your business. Shared offices and hot desks bring you together with like-minded people who enjoy the benefits of flexible Coworking.