PS Arcadia Central
4a Carmac Street, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700016, IND
Find a home for your business among the bustle of Kolkata’s central business district. Work productively in PS Arcadia Central’s thoughtfully designed surroundings, complete with basement car parking, round-the-clock security and convenient planning.
Host your business guests in luxury for a day or more, with two five-star hotels located a short distance from the office. Complete the business trip by visiting some of the city’s most popular bars and restaurants on your office’s doorstep.
სოფისე პაკეტები რეგულარული მოხმარებისთვის.
საოფისე ფართების წევრობა გთავაზობთ ბიზნეს-ცენტრის მომსახურებას ყველა დიდ ქალაქში. დაბალი ფასებით და მოქნილი პირობებით.
Our coworking spaces in Beniapukur are designed for focus and collaboration. Choose your ideal location and network with other like-minded professionals.