Orrington Plaza
1603 Orrington Avenue, Evanston, IL, 60201, USA
You‘ll enjoy a towering presence when you locate your business in the 20-storey Orrington Plaza, the tallest building between Chicago and Milwaukee.
The recently refurbished tower has floor-to-ceiling windows offering lots of natural light and inspiring views of the Chicago skyline and Lake Michigan. There’s a business lounge and on-site parking and, when you want to escape the office, a fitness gym next door, many shops and restaurants within walking distance, and excellent road, rail and air links.
Irodai csomagok rendszeres használatra.
Irodatagsági csomagjaink hozzáférést biztosítanak az összes nagyobb városban megtalálható irodaházainkhoz. Alacsony árakkal és rugalmas feltételekkel.
A ‘Heavenston’ Virtual Office will give you an instant presence on the shores of Lake Michigan, and you won’t be tied to a single workplace when you want to be out on the road in search of new business.