Domo Corporate ABC
Avenida José Versolato, 101, Sao Bernardo do Campo, SP, 09750-730, BRA
Base your company in the main business district of São Bernardo do Campo, with its strong historical ties to the automotive and manufacturing industries. Domo Corporate ABC is one of the prime locations in the city, close to major transport links and the popular Metrópole Shopping mall.
As well as breathtaking views through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you’ll enjoy an on-site coffee bar, concierge services and valet parking. After work, take advantage of the city’s thriving cultural scene and nightlife.
Irodai csomagok rendszeres használatra.
Irodatagsági csomagjaink hozzáférést biztosítanak az összes nagyobb városban megtalálható irodaházainkhoz. Alacsony árakkal és rugalmas feltételekkel.
Known as the Automobile Capital, São Bernardo do Campo is an important commercial hub in south-east Brazil. Work in collaborative surroundings at one of our flexible coworking spaces in the city, and make yourself known to the local business community.