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Hot Desking Office Tips for Your Business

Posted on: 21st June 2023

Reading time:  11 mins

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Hot desks were first used in corporations back in the 1990s. However, they’ve recently become more popular with a range of businesses looking for a more dynamic, flexible workspace. 

For the increasing number of teams moving towards a hybrid model of working, hot desking offices are particularly useful. Employees can access workspaces whenever they need them, all without businesses needing to pay for an entire office. 

A UK government study estimated that 22% of British employees worked at least one day a week from home in September 2022. This suggests that hot desking office spaces will continue to be


However, though hot desking can bring many benefits to businesses, the transition to these types of workspaces can be challenging. 

Regus has plenty of experience in helping businesses move into hot desk workspaces effectively. This ranges from finding the right office spaces to supporting employees in their new environment.

To help you, our experts have put together 13 tips to manage your business’ hot desking solutions successfully.

What is hot desking?

Hot desking is the name given to non-allocated workstations, which allow any employee within an office to use any of these workstations on any given day. This is regardless of department, level of seniority, or how often they are in the office.

For example, someone who works remotely most of the time may only come in a few times a week and thus would have little need of permanent desk space. Due to this, ensuring that the workspace that they use on their days in the office is available to anyone else ensures it does not go to waste. 

Workspaces used for hot desking will not feature aspects found in a permanent workspace, such as equipment (computers, monitors, etc) or personal touches (framed photos, plants, etc). This is because it’s common for those using hot desking to bring their own equipment, such as a portable laptop. 

However, all of the essentials will be available at any hot desk. These include a method to reliably charge their equipment, connect to the internet, or access on-site amenities.

Make sure that you maximise the benefits of your hot desking space by following these helpful tips. 

1. Manage the overall shift

Before making the switch to hot desking, ensure your business is ready to manage the shift. 

Creating a workforce change management team can make your transition to the new office as smooth as possible. This is particularly true if you have lots of employees. 

To make sure every part of the transition is considered and planned for, this team must have employees from all departments. This includes human resources, IT, and management. 

Putting this team together in advance of moving ensures everyone is aware of the changes and can prepare for them adequately.

A workforce change management team will also help to:

Communicate the benefits of hot desking to employees
Provide training on using the new workspace
Address any concerns or issues that could arise during the transition

This takes moving tasks off the to-do lists of owners and employees so they can focus on work.  

2. Share the hot desking policy with all workers

Create a concise hot desking policy. This is recommended to make sure all employees are aware of any hot desking rules and processes they’ll need to follow. It will also set out what equipment and support the business will provide.

Sharing your policy with employees is a must. Being transparent can help address any reluctance to change and ensure that employees feel informed and invested in the change.

3. Embrace technology and software

Reviewing the apps, digital tools, and hardware your business uses will ensure your team has everything they need to be productive in their new space. 

Employee communication, file access and storage, and remote cybersecurity are just a few functions that need to be considered when reviewing your current technology.

Assessing whether new systems could increase efficiency is also important. For example, introducing a hot desk booking system will help businesses manage desk availability and employees find a workspace. 

Gathering user data also allows businesses to track patterns and identify opportunities to optimise office space.

Plus, don’t forget to check the basics when reviewing the technology a hot desking space provides. High-speed Wi-Fi and IT support are must-haves to keep your business running smoothly, both of which are available in Regus office spaces. 

4. Automate the process

Automating hot desking processes can improve efficiency and security in the workplace. For example, an automated hot desking system not only makes it easier for employees to pick a desk. It can also ensure a safer and more organised workplace.

Consider using an automated check-in system for arrivals. This way, employees can access the workspace without waiting in long lines or having to manually sign in.

Automated systems also provide accurate records of who is working where and when. This information can be valuable for workspace management analytics or in the case of emergency evacuations.

5. Provide a variety of workspaces

A variety of workspaces means employees can access whatever environment they need to stay productive. Offices and coworking spaces like Regus have a range of workspaces to allow for flexible working and collaboration, such as:

Private offices and shared office spaces
Open-plan break-out areas
A communal kitchen with tea and coffee-making facilities
Meeting rooms

There are also customisable offices, which you can adjust the workspace to suit your business and its employees’ particular needs. 

6. Take advantage of different locations

Offering coworking at different locations means all employees can easily access the workspace they need wherever they are in the world. 

This is great for large organisations that have several disparate teams, as well as small businesses that are looking to expand. In either case, hot desking space helps wherever they go. 

With more than 4,000 office spaces in prime locations globally, Regus’ flexible coworking spaces can help businesses of any size access the hot desking space they need.

7. Try ‘zoning’ and create office neighbourhoods

Try ‘zoning’ your hot desking office into designated neighbourhoods or clusters of desks for teams. This can allow teammates to work on the same project without distraction.

Zoning can be temporary or permanent depending on project needs. However, you should always remember to encourage equality in desk usage. This way, you’ll maintain the collaborative and shared hot desking ethos.

8. Keep desks organised and clean

When employees are sharing workstations, it's important to maintain clean and organised spaces. Consider offering cleaning supplies, like antibacterial wipes or hand sanitisers, to encourage employees to keep desks tidy.

Setting out hot desk etiquette in your policy will also help to keep the workspace looking clean, organised, and professional. This may include asking employees to clean their desks at the end of the day or to eat lunch away from their workstations.

This policy should also set out protocols around safety and privacy. Individuals should keep shared desks and devices free from personal and confidential materials so everyone can use them without breaching security rules. 

9. Provide adequate storage

With hot desking, employees don’t have a permanent workstation to keep their files or devices on. Instead, they will have to transport items to and from work every day. Naturally, this can be inconvenient and insecure.

To make the process easier, assign lockers to your employees. This way, they’ll have a central location to put everything into at the end of each day.

10. Provide your team with equipment

Giving your team the equipment they need to be productive from day one is key to making hot desking a success. These items could include:

Hardware, such as computers, monitors and phones
Collaboration, project, and work management tools
Ergonomic furniture that individuals can adjust to suit them

Some team members may need specialised equipment, like adapted chairs or modified keyboards. Label these items and store them in a special area.

Decide which equipment to assign to workstations, like monitors and dongles, and which to give to individual employees. For example, a keyboard and a mouse to carry between hot desks. Then make this clear in your workplace policy. 

This will ensure everyone has the equipment they need while minimising the chances of it getting lost or stolen. 

11. Encourage communication between employees

Effective communication is crucial for any workplace, including hot desking environments. In some cases, the lack of a permanent desk can cause uncertainty or disconnection in employees.

Promote open communication and collaboration to foster positive relationships between team members, including those working remotely. You might develop office neighbourhoods or supply communal spaces for socialising. 

Ultimately, these can lead to both higher productivity as well as helping employees enjoy their working hours more.

You should also foster good communication between employees and management. Regular check-ins can tell you whether employees are comfortable with the new arrangement. This way, you can quickly address any of their concerns.

13. Get regular feedback

To ensure your hot desking office space works well, seek regular employee feedback on the space and any improvements or changes they’d like to see. You can gather feedback through surveys, analytics or direct conversations.

Collecting analytics can also help you track:

Overall use
Busiest times of the day
Popular workstations

You can then use this data to make informed decisions about space planning. Telling employees about the changes you’ve made as a result of their feedback will also show they’re being listened to as they adapt to a hot desking model.

Get the right hot desking office solution

Alongside putting the right processes, teams and equipment in place, finding the right hot desking solution for your business should be a top consideration. 

Though there are many different types of office spaces available, it's important to review the options carefully and consider what your business and teams need. Regus has many years of expertise in helping businesses find the right office space. With this insight, we can help you find your ideal office space

From thousands of locations to top-quality equipment and customisable spaces, speak to one of the team today to see what hot desking office space Regus can offer you.


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