Battlefield Overlook 2
10432 Balls Ford Road, Manassas, VA, 20109, USA
Join the top table of business in the prosperous Manassas economy. Battlefield Overlook 2 places you in a city that’s home to several Fortune 500 companies and only 30 minutes from the capital.
The glass and brick architecture of the building creates an impression for you and your guests and invites you to enjoy the premium offices and meeting rooms inside. And you can entertain and accommodate visitors in the Holiday Inn located just next door.
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Ofis üzvlükləri hər bir böyük şəhər və qəsəbədə məkanlara giriş təmin edir. Aşağı qiymətlər və sərbəst şərtlərlə.
Become part of a booming Manassas economy and get your name known. A Virtual Office gives you an instant base to host your business meetings and entertain your clients, so you can make the most of your time in the City.