220 Brew Street
220 Brew Street, Port Moody, BC, V3H 0H6, CAN
Base your business in our fully-serviced office space at 220 Brew Street. Travel to work with ease, with two local bus stops and the Inlet Centre Station situated near the workspace, providing services around the local area and wider Vancouver.
Look out over the city through modern glass windows, with a modern interior to help you be productive. Clear your mind and experience fantastic views of the Rockies in less than 10-minutes or treat clients to lunch at one of Suter Brook Village’s popular restaurants.
Тұрақты түрде қол жеткізуге арналған кеңсе бумалары.
Кеңсе мүшеліктері әрбір ірі облыс пен қаладағы орындарға қол жеткізуге мүмкіндік береді. Төмен бағалар мен икемді шарттар ұсынылады.
Establish an instant presence for your business with a virtual office location in Port Moody. Use the city’s exciting reputation and growing professional community to your advantage with an address in this sought-after area.