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One global vendor, one complete solution

Grow your business with a company that's also growing. Regus Workplace Recovery has expanded over 100% each year for the past two years.

For successful referred leads we offer 10% or 15% commission of total contract value guaranteed, with fast upfront payment, and access to valuable insight and data for the business continuity industry.

Be part of a dynamic global recovery solution which enables businesses to recover from disaster in practically every city in the world with a single vendor.

Contact our workplace recovery team

Small workplace recovery office

Help your clients recover from a disaster quicker

We have a global network of workspace to facilitate seamless business continuity for your clients.

Guaranteed workspace

Our global network guarantees the execution of your client's business continuity plan during any emergency or crisis, with no queues or over-subscription.

Global turnkey solution

Office amenities set up and ready to use, business-grade internet and telephony service, receptionist, kitchen and cleaning.

Easy management

No need for multiple vendors – one global provider, one simple subscription policy, 24/7 customer service, and no set-up costs or capital investment needed.

Contact our workplace recovery team

Be part of our global community

We know the industry inside and out.

We've created events that specialise in sharing what we've learned to give you access to valuable insights and data on the business continuity industry.

Use our facilities for jointly sponsored business continuity and disaster recovery events

Increase your portfolio and enjoy Regus network advantages

Leverage your clients with leading edge industry content – white papers, research and case studies

Contact us directly to register as a channel partner

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