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Why choose a Membership?

Global presence

Available in 4000 locations worldwide: find us in city centres, airports and stations.

Options for all budgets

A place to work from a few days per month to unlimited use.

Book on the move

Use the Regus App to find locations and book workspace quickly.

Consistent standards worldwide

Work in a professional environment at every Regus centre worldwide.

Membership options

Lounge Membership includes unlimited access to business lounges


Unlimited access to any of our business lounges with a simple monthly subscription.

Co-working Membership includes unlimited business lounges and access to co-working space


The benefits of our Lounge Membership, plus access to co-working space.

Office Membership includes the use of a rental office for privacy and focus


Includes the use of a rental office, for when privacy and focus are paramount.

All-inclusive pricing

Whichever Membership you choose, your subscription provides access to all the benefits of a business centre.

Technology - secure, high-speed WiFi at all Regus centres


  • Secure, high-speed WiFi at all Regus centres
  • Telephones included in Co-working and Office
Global network - pay one price and work from any of our 4000 business centres

Global network

  • Pay one price and work from any of our 4000 business centres around the world
  • Professional environment no matter which centre you choose
Admin support - help available with admin tasks like mailing and copies

Admin support

  • Help available with admin tasks
  • Staffed reception to greet your guests
Ready to work - your space is set up for you before you arrive, just show up and get to work

Ready to work

  • Your space is set up for you before you arrive - just show up and get to work
  • Book ahead and let us know any special requests you have
Facilities - kitchen area with tea and coffee making facilities and fully furnished private offices


  • Kitchen area with tea and coffee making facilities
  • Private offices are fully furnished
Pay only for what you need - choose membership based on the space you use most

Pay only for what you need

  • Choose your membership based on the space you use most: business lounge, co-working or private office
  • Memberships with 5, 10 or unlimited days of use per month
Manage your office space via the Regus App

Manage everything wherever you are

Download the Regus App on the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Download the Regus App at the Apple App Store      Download the Regus App at the Google Play Store

Let's get started

Whatever your business, whatever your budget we’ll help find the right workspace.

Let's get started

Whatever your business, whatever your budget we’ll help find the right workspace.